Conversion Result:
ounce = 0.028349523125 kilogram
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "ounces" to Babylonian shekel, bag, bes (Roman bes), dinar (Arabian dinar), doppelzentner, dram (avoirdupois dram), dram ap (apothecary dram), gram, kwan (Japanese kwan), long hundredweight (avoirdupois long hundredweight), long quarter, long ton (avoirdupois long ton), Mexican libra, pound ap (apothecary pound), Roman obolus, scruple (apothecary scruple), short ton, stone, tael (Chinese tael), UK quintal (British quintal), or any combination of units which equate to "mass" and represent mass. |
Sample Conversions:
ounces = .08680556 as (Roman as), 141.75 carat troy (troy carat), 312.91 crith, .0002835 doppelzentner, 16 dram (avoirdupois dram), 7.29 dram troy (troy dram), 3.11E+28 electron mass (electron rest mass), 437.5 grain (avoirdupois grain), 2.01 Israeli shekel mass, .00223214 long quarter, .0000279 long ton (avoirdupois long ton), .06604671 mina (Greek mina), 1 oz (ounce), .00046875 picul (Chinese picul), .07595486 pound troy (troy pound), .00069444 Roman talent, 24.96 scrupulum (Roman scrupulum), .00061637 Spanish quintal, .00110078 talent (Greek talent), .00055804 UK quintal2 (British quintal). |
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