Conversion Result:
10 cup = 2.365882365 liter
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "10 cups" to balthazar, barrel, Canadian gallon, coomb, cord foot (of wood), cup, drop, dry barrel, dry quart, fifth, kilderkin, load, quart (fluid quart), rehoboam, salmanazar, tablespoon, UK bushel (British bushel), UK gallon (British gallon), UK peck (British peck), wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
10 cups = .15625 balthazar, .01984127 barrel, 1 board foot, .06713805 bushel (dry bushel), .52042137 Canadian gallon, 2,365.88 cc (cubic centimeters), .00065274 cord (of wood), 10 cup, .05967826 ephah (Israeli ephah), .625 gallon, 38,400 minim, 20 noggin, 80 oz fluid (fluid ounce), .26855219 peck (dry peck), .00496032 pipe, 2.5 quart (fluid quart), .0008355 register ton, .03356902 strike, .08355035 timber foot, .52042133 UK gallon (British gallon). |
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