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Types of Missing Information Codes Used to Represent Missing Information in Other Tables |
Abbreviation | Long Name | Null Type | Description |
(N/A) | (Not Applicable) | Value not applicable | Value is not applicable to rows of the current type. |
(UNK) | (Unknown) | Value unknown | Value is unknown by the computer user or source of information. |
(DNE) | (Does Not Exist) | Value does not exist | Value is applicable, but it does not exist. |
(N/V) | (Not Valid) | Value not valid | Value supplied by source is invalid within computer system. |
(N/S) | (Not Supplied) | Value not supplied | Value was not supplied by the source of the information--"no comment." |
(NYC) | (Not Yet Classified) | Value not yet classified | Computer user has not yet chosen or entered the proper value. |
(DEF) | (Inherit Default Value) | Value is inherited | Default value is inherited from an above entity. |
(DNC) | (Do Not Care) | Do not care | User does not care about the value. |
(ALL) | (All Values) | All instances | Value represents all non-missing values within target table. |
(A/O) | (All Other Values) | All other instances | Value represents all non-missing and non-specified values within target. |
(UWM) | (Unknown Why Missing) | Unknown why missing | Set when data loaded from other computer sources contains blanks. |
(U/D) | (Undefined) | Value undefined | Result of some operation is undefined. |
(E/S) | (Empty Set) | Value is the empty set | Result of some join operation returned nothing. |
(O/U) | (Outer Union Result) | Outer union type | Result of an outer union operation. |
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